New Free E-book: Long Term Sermon Planning

by | Feb 26, 2014 | Motivation

Without a doubt, one of the most difficult things I do every year as a pastor is spending two weeks in November preparing a preaching schedule for the following year. Without a doubt, one of the most important things I do every year is an annual preaching schedule. The quality of the messages is greatly impacted by that advance planning.  I have had several pastors ask me, “How can God lead you what to preach ten months from now?” My answer – “God can lead me in long term sermon preparation the same way He can lead me to preach next Sunday’s sermon!” Long term sermon planning does not hinder being flexible or sensitive when national disasters or church family crises arise. Long term sermon planning is work – hard work! It takes a great deal of prayer, concentration, and meditation. Yet, a settled peace will come to your heart and God’s power to your pulpit as you allow Him to lead and guide this effort.

This e-book has been created to help pastors with this important task of sermon planning. I hope this e-book will be a helpful resource to you as you prepare your sermon planning schedule.

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