Revival? In America?

by | Oct 11, 2014 | Uncategorized

This last week it was a joy to see the Spirit of God touch hearts and bring a revival to Christians and draw the unsaved into the family of God. But the capstone of the week was a teen outreach with Dr. Tom Farrell. After weeks of invitations to a dodge ball tournament, over 180 teenagers attended consuming 45 pizzas. 100 of the teens were visitors. What happened next reminded us of something that we saw in “Facing the Giants” when an elderly prayer warrior told the coach to “prepare his fields for rain!”

On Wednesday and Thursday many of our teens skipped lunch and fasted and prayed – most fasting for the first time in their life. Here is an email I received the day of the outreach from Brandon Joyner, our youth director, to our staff:

“After our prayer time with the teens last night, I have received nonstop emails and texts from people letting me know that they are bringing visitors. John Caras said that he has received text messages all morning from kids at Spring-ford High School wanting to know if they can come. I ordered an additional 25 pizzas. Please take a moment and pray for the hearts of the teens. God is working. This reminds me of two farmers that prayed for rain. One prayed and went inside and waited for the rain, the other prepared his field for the rain. We are preparing our field for the rain. Glory to God, Brandon Joyner.”

After the tournament, Br. Farrell preached a lengthy salvation message to these young people. He then led them in the salvation prayer and asked if they were serious to follow him to the back to receive Christian literature and assurance verses. 67 teens followed him to the back. More than a dozen youth leaders took small groups to talk to these teens about their decision for the Lord.

What is the fruit of all of this? Our VFBT teens have never been more excited about seeing the power of God in their lives. One of the girls, who was saved that night, led an unsaved friend to Christ this week and asked if her Christian friend would lead a Bible study at the lunch at the public school. Yes, God is still at work in America. He has not abandoned us – let’s make sure we don’t abandon Him or His work!