Are you Full of God?

by | Feb 21, 2015 | Uncategorized


I would like to share a picture that has really help me understand priorities. It’s a multi-tiered fountain.
I want you to see your life as a fountain, and each one of these levels are your priorities – God, your mate, your family, your work, your ministry, your friends, and your recreation. Let the top pool of this fountain represent your walk with God. When the top bowl gets full of water, it will naturally overflow into the next bowl and so on. When you view your priorities as a list, something always goes wrong – there’s always a crisis that throws my priorities out of whack. I need to begin with God – my walk with God is at the top.

Speaking to the woman at the well Jesus said, “But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.” John 4:14

Here’s how our priorities actually work. Living in the soul of every Christian is the Spirit of God. Paul said, “Christ (is) in you” Colosians 1:27. He says, “Dwelling in you is the same power that raised Christ from the dead.” And this is what our priorities are really all about. We need a walk with God, so that when we are full of Him, it can overflow into your relationship with our mate, family, co-workers, and friends. God shows us what that looks like. It’s Ephesians 5:18 – “Be not drunk with wine, where in is excess, but be (ye continually) filled with the Holy Spirit.” The filling of the Holy Spirit overflows into everything else – marriage, family, work, worship, friendships.

How much time do I need to be full of God? It’s different for every person. Think about the marriage relationship. I mean, my poor wife, she married this super needy high maintenance guy – ME. When I come home, I am looking for my wife. I’m looking for a kiss, a hug, food, and fellowship. Kind of in that order! After dinner, I want to know how her day went and I want to tell her how my day went. I’ve seen couples that have a couple of good talks a week; and they’re both doing great. Not me. I want time with my wife. And she’s the same way! I’ve got to have one date a week. A couple of times a year, I want to get away with her. Our relationship takes time!

What do you need with God? Is it 15 minutes in the morning in the presence of God? A half an hour? Is it 20 minutes at night? I don’t know what you need, but I know you need Him! Time in His Word, time to pray, time to fellowship with believers at church, and living in obedience to what you get from His Word. When you walk with Christ, it overflows in how you treat your mate, your kids, your siblings, your co-workers, and your friends. Why? You are empowered by the Holy Spirit.

If the top of your fountain is empty, if it is dry, I am warning you:

– You will be empty and unfulfilled in your soul.
– You will have difficulty being close with family members.
– You will have tension with your boss and co-workers.
– You will have regular catfights with your “friends.”

Make sure you are full of God – everyday, Matthew 6:33!