Dreams Do Come True

by | Jul 25, 2019 | Messages, Motivation

It all started because of a gospel tract left at a service station. The story begins on a hot summer day in 1975.  God answered my mom’s prayers and my dad was wonderfully saved from a life of alcohol addiction.  After having the car serviced, my mother picked up a Fairfax Baptist Temple tract from the counter, and soon our family began attending church.  After hearing Pastor Bud Calvert preach the gospel of Jesus Christ for about four months, I received Christ as my Lord and Savior during an invitation prayer.  God changed my plans!  Instead of becoming a pilot, I became a preacher!  All glory goes to God!

As I look back over 35 years of God’s blessings, leadership, and power in our church family, I am humbled and honored that I have been allowed by the Lord to be an under-shepherd to Jesus Christ for the saints at Valley Forge Baptist.  I am certain the Lord could have chosen thousands of other more qualified men than myself to lead this wonderful church family that He has built.

Dreams Do Come True

For a teenager and a young man with a great fear of public speaking, it is nothing more than a demonstration of God’s power to place me in the ministry.  It is a dream come true to pastor in one place WITH JOY for 35 years.  I praise God that He has allowed me and our church family to see the fulfillment of His wonderful promises that He made to us:  “Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.” Jeremiah 33:3

Praising God for All He has Done!

The Holy Spirit directed both the apostle Paul and Dr. Luke to record some of the metrics of the early church.  I would like to join with Paul and say, “… I may glory through Jesus Christ in those things which pertain to God.”  Romans 15:17

I would like to boast in what God has done.  I take absolutely no credit or honor in His mighty work.  Truly, it has been the saints of our church family who have faithfully done “the work of the ministry.”  The “Difference Makers” at VFBT will receive the credit and reward in heaven for faithfully serving our Savior.

What has the Lord been doing for 35 years at Valley Forge Baptist?

Several thousand trusting Christ as Savior.

9,000 guests have heard the gospel.

1,500 baptisms.

320 baby dedications.

$10,000,000 given to World Missions.

4,000 kids attended VBS with hundreds being saved.

Supporting 200 missionary families.

10,000 meals served to the homeless and needy.

18 fresh water wells dug in foreign poverty lands.

Thousands of dollars given for disaster relief with the Gospel.

As a church family, we take no credit for all that God has done.  We are simply servants of the Most High God.  It is my joy and privilege to serve our Savior with some of the greatest saints this side of heaven!!!

To all of our VFBT Church Family, We love you, Pastor Scott & Jodie Wendal

“Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.”  Ephesians 3:21