30 Years of Ministry

by | Jul 31, 2014 | Video

VFBT Is A Miracle from VFBT on Vimeo.

Valley Forge Baptist Temple is now 30 years old.  God has been faithful to our church family for 3 decades.  He continues to build His lighthouse in our community.  How wonderful to see a man come to Christ on the 30th anniversary of our church! 

30 years – same Book; same message; same Holy Spirit; same power of God.  God has been faithful to keep His promises and change lives by the power of Jesus Christ.  What a wonderful celebration we had as a church family reminiscing of God’s goodness to us on our 30th anniversary!

David said, “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity” Psalm 133:1.  I have been privileged to pastor a church family that desires to please God, fulfill the Great Commission, love one another, and support their pastors.  As a pastor, I have been spared some of the great heartaches of ministry because of deacons and church members who desire to follow Christ more than themselves.

It is with great joy that I look forward to another 30 years of ministry (if God wills it).  Enjoy the reminiscing of the early days of Valley Forge Baptist Temple.