2020 Lessons to Help us in 2021

by | Jan 27, 2021 | Messages, Motivation

Here is my list of 12 Lessons from 2020.  I am sure you can add to the list and even jot down what God is already teaching you in 2021.  We can experience God’s peace as we seek to walk with Him each day this year!  If there are events you cannot attend at your church, you can still be a part of what God is doing through giving and praying for your pastors, church family, and the ministry to our community and the world!

We’ve always lived in a world of change, but nothing as extreme as last year.  Our faith in our Sovereign God has been strengthened.  He predicted that in the last days “perilous times shall come” 2 Timothy 3:1.  We have not only seen a rise in “lawlessness” but we now understand how the antichrist will be able to exercise global power in the coming Tribulation.  As we draw closer to our Lord’s return, we should not be filled with worry, fear, or anxiety, but great excitement and anticipation.  The writer of Hebrews said, “When you see this day approaching” [the events predicted before the return of our Lord], then be more committed to “not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together”  Hebrews 10:25.
Let’s never forget that “the darker the night, the brighter the light.”  Our country and world is under a great blanket of spiritual darkness, and yet the light of one Spirit-filled Christian gives enough light to draw others to Jesus Christ.  Let’s shine God’s light through us in 2021.

12 Lessons from 2020

1.  Christ can give me Peace in a Pandemic.

“I need to focus my heart on God and receive His peace.”

2.  It’s not about me.

“I need to be less selfish.”

3.  God has a bigger plan than I can possibly know.

“I need to let God be God.”

4.  Difficult times reveal what’s in our hearts.

“I need to learn to depend on God when things don’t go my way.” 

5.  My plans can be changed overnight.

“I need to learn how to be flexible.”

6.  We need God’s wisdom when misguided leaders step outside of their God-given authority.

“I need to know when to submit; when to appeal; and when to quietly resist.”

7.  Taking time to re-evaluate the direction of your life is vitally important.

“I need to look to God to determine the purpose and goal of my life.”

8.  The church of Jesus Christ CAN be flexible.

“I need to value and support my church.”

9.  Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. 

“I need to be kind to Christians I disagree with.”

10.  Treasuring family and friends is important.

“I need to realize that the lives of my family and friends are precious and fragile.”

11.  Thanking God for the gift of taste and smell.

“I need to be grateful for the little pleasures and gifts from God.”

12.  Christ is Enough.

“I need to learn to be joyfully contentment regardless of anything:  persecution, finances, politics, masks, vaccines, riots, etc.”