My Personal GOALS for 2024 (Starter List)

by | Dec 30, 2023 | Messages, Motivation | 2 comments


What is a Goal?  A Goal is a Target to Achieve.


“If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time.”

“I press toward the mark for the prize…” Philippians 3:14


Four Areas to Set Goals:

  1. Spiritual
  2. Family
  3. Personal
  4. Career

A. Spiritual Goals

I will be faithful to God and maintain a “God and I” time.

Choose a Bible Reading Plan:

___   Read Through the New Testament

___   Read Through the NT four times

___   Read Through the entire Bible

I will seek to witness daily.

I will discover my gifts/abilities and serve God faithfully.

I will give tithes and offerings to the Lord.



B. Family Goals

I will date my husband/wife at least every two weeks.

I will lead/participate in regular family devotions.



C. Personal Goals

I will lose _____ pounds by ______________.

I will exercise _____ times a week.

I will read ____ Christian books this year (spiritual growth, marriage, parenting).



D. Career Goals

I will improve my attitude with my boss and coworkers.

I will seek to add value to my company/customers.



Seven Steps in Successful Goal Setting


  1. Write down Specific Goals (Measurable and Attainable)
  2. Determine how you will benefit as a result of achieving your goal.
  3. Make a deadline.
  4. Identify the obstacles to overcome in order to achieve your goal.
  5. Make a detailed plan, Lk. 14:28
  6. Ask, “Am I Willing to Pay the Price?”
  7. Resolve NEVER to give up, Prov. 24:16.



Three Questions to help you set Great Goals:


A. Will this goal honor God?

If it doesn’t honor God, then it cannot please God.  What kind of goal brings glory to God?  Anything that causes you to love Him more, to trust Him more, to serve Him more, to be more grateful, patient, and to be a bridge builder (sounds like the fruit of the Spirit). 

“Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the Glory of God.”  I Corinthians 10:31.

“Wherefore we labor, that, whether present or absent, we may be accepted of Him.”  2 Cor. 5:9


B. Is this goal motivated by Love?

God is not going to honor a goal motivated by greed, or ego or competition or guilt or pride.


C. Will this goal require me to depend on God? 

“…for whatsoever is not of faith it is sin.”  Romans 14:23

If you can do it in your own power, that’s not a faith goal.


“You are never too old to set another goalor to dream a new dream.”  C S Lewis



  1. Bryan Gottshall

    I could feel your passion yesterday trying to convince me to make goals. Thanks.
    For me it is hard ,but I will do it because what all you said is true. Thanks again. Bryan Gottshall

    • Scott Jodie Wendal

      Hi Bryan,
      May the Lord grant you wisdom and power as you prepare and fulfill Spirit-filled goals, James 4:13-15.